Mob programming - is it worth it to have the whole team working together on one task?

in us at inAgile 2024 for an immersive journey into the world of mob programming! In this dynamic 75minute workshop, led by two seasoned mob programming professionals, you’ll dive deep into the fundamentals of this collaborative technique and emerge with a newfound understanding of its power. Whether you’re a seasoned Agile practitioner or just dipping your toes into the methodology, this session promises an engaging mix of theory and practice. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and participate in hands-on exercises designed to give you a taste of mob programming in action. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of effective collaboration and take your Agile skills to the next level!

Filip Kapler

Filip is a Scrum Master who takes a Scrum Master as a Service approach and works across the company with anyone who needs help. Whether the person knows what the problem they are solving is that is burning them up or the root cause has yet to be named. His focus has not always been IT and because of this, he brings new light to established processes and ways of thinking. His experience ranges from small businesses to corporate environments. He helps people in the company take responsibility for things they can directly influence.

Šimon Vlachynský

Šimon has been working as a Scrum Master since 2014, having started his career at the Czech internet leader Over time, he has built his way to an international presence and now works as a team lead scrum master at Jamf Software.

His expertise includes working with traditional agile frameworks, implementing change at various levels within the organization, and defining goals for both teams and at the product level. The product sphere is particularly close to Simon’s heart, as evidenced by his strong contribution to supporting product roles and co-authoring our Product Academy.

Simon is a fan of the human touch, constructive feedback and likes when work and decisions have real meaning. His professionalism and ability to lead teams to perform at a level that delivers value is a great asset to our clients.